Hello, this is the SingRoom development team. We're excited to introduce our 2.1.0 update.
Major Update
Changing the way free songs are charged
Meta friends list and the ability to add friends
[Changing how free songs are charged]
To encourage you to play more in SingRoom, we've changed your free songs to recharge every 15 minutes.
Even if you use up all your free songs today, you'll only have to wait 15 minutes to get another one.
While you're waiting for your songs to recharge, pass the time by listening to other users' songs.
[Meta friends list and the ability to add friends]
Added a Friends tab to the dock. You can now see if your meta friends are currently online, and you can now friend request them by tapping on their names in rooms and lobbies.
If you've enjoyed your experience, send a friend request!
We will continue to listen to your feedback and constantly improve our service. Thank you for your support.
Thank you always for your support.